Philanthropy Nightadmin



Village Coffee Giving Back

To receive the full 30% of all sales from 5-9 pm here’s what needs to be done.

1. We must receive at least 25 fund raiser coupons that you hand out. Please print the coupon and have copies made to give to your supporters, or you can print your own. Nothing fancy, just stating your event, time and place….we will receive them at the register. This contributes 10% to the donation and they are to be brought in,  not given out in the coffee shop
2. Provide music, this contributes 5% to the donation
3. Email your local coffee shop a copy of your flyer to face book
4. Place flyers in coffee shop 4 days in advance
If you don’t participate in the coupons or music you get 15% of sales, 30% if you do. We want you to have a successful event.
We like to host this event Mondays and Thursdays, but will work with other days except Fridays, & Sundays .